TTO Coordinator
Chahida Corsen
English Department
Chahida Corsen, Micheline Cadeau and Ana-Taís Wu
Bilingual Education at Dr. Albert Schweitzer havo/vwo
Since the schoolyear 2018-2019, ASHV offers the possibility to follow a bilingual (Dutch-English) program. About 50 percent of the subjects are taught in English. The instruction language is English as well as the subject-matter and tests for certain subjects. The other half of the subjects are taught in Dutch. Bilingual education is centered on three principles predetermined by NUFFIC (the Dutch organization for internationalization in education).
Principle: Language Skill
Students will be able to use the English language in the classroom, but also in different international and intercultural settings. In the first year, the focus is mainly on immersion of the English language. Language skills are supported and taught from two perspectives: ‘target language = instruction language’ and the methodology: ‘Content Language Integrated Learning (CLIL).
Principle: Global Citizenship
This is the international aspect from which the subject-matter is taught. Students develop an open, broad view about the world. Also, they become aware of the development and situation in their own country. Internationalization is an essential part of global citizenship. That is why virtual and physical exchange projects are part of the program.
Principle: Personal Development
This principle is mostly the effect and result that is achieved through the development of the first two principles. The student is able to grow as a person and step out of his/her comfort zone. He/She is able to reflect on important themes related to global perspectives. Furthermore, the student develops responsibility and the role of an exemplary citizen in his/her society.
students follow an Immersion Course English in the first two weeks of school. During these lessons, they are exposed to "Classroom English", which comes in handy in order to follow the subjects that are taught in English. After three years, students are able to take an exam in order to receive a Cambridge certificate. Every year, students work on a TTO portfolio to keep track of their development of the three principles and their competences.
For more information about bilingual education, visit this website.
TTO World Day
Every year our first-year students celebrate TTO World Day, a special day dedicated to an English-speaking country or a country where English is spoken. Students do various projects which are showcased during the student exhibition on this day. The program is filled with many fun and educational activities, including presentations from natives, music, dance and language workshops, sports and much more! The highlight is always the live call with students abroad.
TTO World Day 2022
Virtual Exchange Project Peru
During the pandemic it was not possible to travel abroad, so our third-year students did a virtual exchange instead. They created a PowerPoint presentation and provided information on our beautiful island; the history, the culture, the food and the attractions. The PowerPoint was sent to students in Peru. Next to the presentation, a Kahoot quiz was created to test their knowledge on the acquired information on Curaçao. Finally, a cooking vlog was recorded, and our students accepted the challenge of preparing a typical Peruvian dish/dessert. During the final days of the project, the students got a presentation from a native, and there was a live call with students from Peru. They were able to talk and exchange ideas on culture, school, language and more.
Virtual Exchange Project Peru
Project Week – Exchange with Aruba
During the school’s project week, our second-year students did an exchange project with the students from Schakel College mavo-havo-vwo of Aruba. A group of 24 students and 4 teachers flew from Aruba to attend our annual project week on Curaçao. The central theme of the project week was the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations. The project was Model United Nations, which is the educational simulation of the UN, where students play the role of delegates from different countries and attempt to solve real-life global issues. In June 2022, our students will get the opportunity to travel to Aruba to participate in Schakel’s project week.
Model United Nations
Project Week: Exchange with Aruba
Junior Speech Contest
In February 2022, ASHV held its first ever Speech Contest for our third-year students. Every participant presented an empowering speech based on the theme "Imagine That..." They were free to approach the topic any way they wanted. The winner advanced to the regional rounds which took place via Zoom with many TTO schools in the Netherlands. The Junior Speech Contest is an annual competition organised by Nuffic.
Junior Speech Contest 2022
Junior Speech Contest 2022
TTO Trip
The TTO program will culminate at the end of the third year when students get the opportunity to travel abroad. The objective of the trip is to get immersed in language and culture in a foreign country. The plan is to visit other TTO schools abroad to collaborate on projects focused on internationalization. In addition, the students will get to visit attractions, museums and get acquainted to new customs and values in another country. Our students are currently working hard to raise funds to be able to travel in April 2022.
TTO Trip
TTO Orientation Activities
Many parents and primary school students are becoming more and more interested in bilingual educational because of its success these previous years. That is why the school organizes a few activities to promote TTO every year.
ASHV komt naar je toe!
Our coordinators and TTO teachers go to several primary schools on the island to give information about the bilingual program offered at ASHV. In addition, mini lessons are given and current TTO students share their experiences.
ASHV komt naar je toe!
TTO Experience
Going to secondary school can be very overwhelming and scary at times. That is why ASHV offers a two-day orientation program dedicated to group 7 & 8 students, to get acquainted to new subjects taught in secondary schools. Some lessons are taught in Dutch while others in English, so that students can get an idea of what the TTO program is like. Teachers take time to explain what their subject program is and what students can expect. At the end of the program, every participant is awarded a certificate for participation.
TTO Experience
Super8dag – Open House Day
Every year the school organizes an Open House Day focused on students from group 8. Students and parents are welcomed to look around the school, to get acclimated for the new school year. On this day, students receive information about the school in general, our bilingual department and they can follow a few lessons in Dutch and English, to get a preview of what it is like to be a student at ASHV.
Super8dag 2021
Voor alle informatie over de tweetalige afdeling van ASHV en voor vragen hierover kunt u zich richten tot de coördinator, mevrouw C. Corsen: c.corsen@vpco.edu.cw